Please note the following about these online classes.

  1. The classes are pre-recorded and not live. This means you’ll be watching these classes from the comfort of your home without me answering any questions or interacting with you.
  2. The classes will be bought from the website. More like online shopping. As soon as payment is through. You will be given access to the class you purchased. So you’ll be able to watch them everytime you log in on our website.

2.1 Debit, credit and cheque cards will be accepted for the purchase of the classes.

  1. These were introductory classes. You’ll get life time access to them. Please note that future classes might grant you access for specified period(eg. 12 months), which means you’ll have to renew to get further access. Please note that this does not apply to these 4 introductory classes.
  2. Please read the pamplets of the classes carefully or watch the introductory video of each class before you purchase. So to make sure what to expect in each class. Eg. In some classes there’s no baking, ganache or closing of cakes.
  3. Please note that we might from time to time improve the content of the classes. Which means some sections of the classes might be replaced with more improved content.
  4. Please note that the class fee is non refundable. Please make sure you want the class before you purchase.

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